doublet earthquake造句
- The "'2008 Iceland earthquake "'was a doublet earthquake that struck on May 29 at 15 : 46 UTC in southwestern Iceland.
- The "'1971 Solomon Islands earthquakes "'occurred in the northern part of the Solomon Islands, within Papua New Guinea as a doublet earthquake.
- A relatively recent doublet earthquake occurred late in 2006 and early in 2007 in the Kuril Islands of Japan, which had not had a large scale earthquake since 1915.
- The "'1993 Klamath Falls earthquakes "'took place in Klamath Falls, Oregon, beginning on Monday, 20 September at 8 : 28 p . m . The doublet earthquake registered respective magnitudes of 6.0 and 5.9 on the moment magnitude scale.
- It's difficult to see doublet earthquake in a sentence. 用doublet earthquake造句挺难的
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